
Everybody Else is Doing it, So Why Can’t I?

Yep.  It’s another blog.  What makes mine better than the billions of other blogs out there?  I never said it was – so BACK OFF!

Seriously, I’ve become pretty addicted to the Denver scene – mainly the music and the people who make that music – and I want to do whatever I can to promote the artists that deserve a wider audience.  The shared sense of community and mutual support and admiration I’ve experienced is really inspiring.  I also like to eat and Denver has a wide variety of food options.  From five-star restaurants to brewpubs to diners, dives, and food trucks, Denver has a vibrant foodie scene.  So, occasionally I’ll blog about food.

One post per day is the goal.  It may not be world-changing or even topical, but hopefully you will find it witty and informative.  I’ll do my best to be honest and not blindly gush over everything.

Thanks to Cobraconda for inspiring the blog title, and thanks to indiebitches.com for inspiring me to blog about the scene from a male perspective.

3 comments on “About

  1. Hey, sick stuff, my friends in Petals of Spain posted about you on Facebook so I figured I’d check your blog out. I’m in a local band called Mister Mistress, in which I play keys, if you wanna check us our we would love the extra promotion. We’re on Facebook.com/mistermistress and MisterMistress.com we just released a music video that I directed as well for our song ‘Nobody Moves’ let me know if you decide to post on us, I also run a my own blog called theblackheathledger.com so I’d def be willing to throw a link up to your site as well.


    • Hey, Zach. I’d be happy to post a link to your new video on my blog at the beginning of December. I have a monthly column where I post links to new music for the month, and the “Nobody Moves” video would be perfect for that. In the meantime, if you would “Like” my Facebook page for this blog from your personal account and/or band page, I’d appreciate it! http://www.facebook.com/everydayinthemilehigh. I’ve already done the same for Mister Mistress. Best wishes for success!


  2. Hey Michael-

    Great blog- love to see all the Denver coverage out there!

    I wanted to let you know about my band, wanderdusk.

    We’ve just released 2 new tracks from our upcoming debut EP and released a video for one of the tracks “The VeHIcle”

    We’re also going on a 2 week west coast tour that’s kicking off at The Hi Dive on Tuesday December 6. I was wondering if you might run a post about the gig to help get people out to South Broadway on a Tuesday?

    I just liked your page, so check it out and let me know.

    Thanks so much-


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